Friday, March 6, 2020

10 Benefits of Taking Maths Lessons

10 Benefits of Taking Maths Lessons The Top 10  Reasons for Learning Maths with a Maths Tutor ChaptersWhy Study Maths?Why Study Mathematics? Here Are 10 Good Reasons!1. Private Maths Tuition2. Take Maths Lessons to Better Understand Your Surroundings3. Maths Tuition for Better Career Prospects4. No More Falling Behind in Maths Lessons5. Studying Maths with a Learning Method to Suit You6. Improve Your Self-Esteem with Maths Tuition7. Can Maths Tuition offer Value for Money?8. Get a Lot Out of Your Maths Classes9. Choose From a Huge Range of Maths Tutors10. Different Maths Learning SituationsSome say maths is like marmite: you either love it or you hate it.Some quite like algebra and calculus, others prefer geometry and trigonometry or mental maths.Most can agree that studying maths has an important place both in our education system and in our society. But why do we need Maths?We need it for maths  problem-solving  and making sense of our surroundings.Getting help from a one to one maths tutor  for exam preparation can set you up for a successful career in fields such as accou nting, catering, chemistry, physics, and social sciences.Maths instruction can cover a range of levels and even make tuition exam board specific. So whether your child needs maths help with year 1 maths or you're a sixth former looking for help to prepare  OCR A level maths revision to get you through the semester, there's a math teacher out there for everyone!Common Difficulties with MathsDepending on your level, obstacles to really understanding certain areas of maths concepts can come from all quarters and many people struggle to solve different mathematical equations.Does maths leave you scratching your head? ¦ source: VisualhuntSuch possibilities include:A lack of knowledge: Maybe difficulty understanding something in class has left you without a firm foundation to build your knowledge of the subjectMemory:  Maths often requires you to learn formulae and equations by heartVocabulary troubles:  Not properly understanding the specialist language can mean you miss out on vital in formation...Algebra, geometry, can all get too much!Confusing concepts:  You may not be able to remember which formula applies to which type of maths problemsReasoning skills:  Maybe you just can't get to grips with the logic behind what you're being taughtVisualisation:  Perhaps you struggle to visualise how the shapes come together or how the graph transformation will look in the endSome people are even scared of doing maths and need some guidance!With the help of a mentor, you will no longer face your difficulties alone.The teacher will reassure you throughout your progress, explain the points you are having trouble with and find different methods of teaching  difficult concepts to make you the best mathematician you can be!Why Study Mathematics? Here Are 10 Good Reasons!This is our  list of the top 10 reasons to try maths tuition.1. Private Maths TuitionBy choosing a private maths tutor, everything you used to struggle with will soon become a lot clearer as they deliver a personalised programme based on your learning style.Before scheduling your first 'real' lesson together, the maths tutor may ask to meet you to discuss where your problems lie. They will use this to decide your starting level and how to approach the course content.They might choose to use active maths games to teach core math or show you fun maths tricks.Tutoring services provide tailored help to make sure that the teaching fits the student, so the student doesn't have to change to fit the subject.2. Take Maths Lessons to Better Understand Your SurroundingsOne on one maths lessons will help you develop reasoning skills that will help you make sense of the environment  as well as improve your decision-making and problem solving skills that may come in handy in later life.Maths skills such as counting, adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing, fractions, decimals, rounding, graphing, reasoning and arithmetic are all part of our everyday problem-solving skills. Witho ut them, we wouldn't be able to evaluate proportions or estimate to make informed decisions.Our society is built on maths and understanding its importance can help you to find your place and interact with others.3. Maths Tuition for Better Career ProspectsHaving maths skills on your CV will make you attractive to employers in many professional fields. Jobs that involve math include accounting, medicine, catering, banking, and practical work.Maths is becoming more and more sought-after.Private maths lessons mean you get the full, undivided attention of the tutor who will work  on your maths revision with you.And if you have questions to ask, even if they're not maths questions, you can talk to your tutor without the pressure of asking in front of other pupils.5. Studying Maths with a Learning Method to Suit YouQuite often, schools move too fast when teaching maths, which means some students inevitably get left behind. The other issue is that not everyone's learning style is on the sc hool math curriculum - which takes a one-size-fits-all approach.By delivering lessons on a one to one basis or in a small group, maths tutors are free to adapt the pace to the learner, addressing any difficulties along the way. This means it will appear that the tutor is teaching maths made easy when in actual fact, the method has just been adapted - you'll feel like a math genius!By following a tailored learning programme which aims to help students overcome specific difficulties,  students see tangible results.6. Improve Your Self-Esteem with Maths TuitionBecause of the student-focussed nature of private tuition, you will quickly find that your confidence in yourself and your abilities starts to grow. This means you'll feel more at ease when it comes to maths in the classroom or taking a big maths test.You'll find that you're not so bad at maths after all, and you may even start to like it!7. Can Maths Tuition offer Value for Money?With private maths lessons in high demand and pl enty of people willing to supply them, one on one tutoring is no longer reserved for those with a lot of money to spare.By signing up to tutoring websites or doing some research on home tutoring, you'll soon find out that having regular maths lessons won't break the bank.Rates for private maths lessons are generally quite low in comparison to other subjects with the UK average at £19.26 per one hour of tuition. This price does, however, vary depending on the level at which you want to study maths.8. Get a Lot Out of Your Maths ClassesThe level of effectiveness of your academic tutoring will lie with the skills of your maths tutor, who must have relevant qualifications and enough experience of teaching maths to lead you to the level of success you desire.If the home tutor is lacking any of these essential qualities, the tutee is wasting their time and money for counter-productive sessions.If you find a tutor through a platform or go through tutoring companies such as Superprof or Ku mon maths, there's no need to worry since they check this information for you!9. Choose From a Huge Range of Maths TutorsIf students see no progress after 1 to 2 months of private tuition, we recommend finding a different tutor or changing the type of lesson.Most types of maths lesson can be delivered on a private basis, however, it's also worth considering intensive maths refresher courses which are delivered on a short-term scale.Group lessons tend to suit students who work better with peers and only need focused maths help in the run up to exams, but for those who tend to lag behind and need support throughout the school year, one on one tuition is ideal.10. Different Maths Learning SituationsExtra-curricular maths lessons come in 3 categories: private sessions, intensive courses and workshops.Private home tuition offers regularity and promotes the comfort of the learner since the tutor generally comes to them.Intensive courses  such as a maths boot camp tend to be aimed at those who are motivated enough to give up their holidays, for example.Taking lessons in a small group can promote peer mentoring ¦ source: VisualhuntMy Maths homework and working through Edexcel GCSE maths past papers can get pretty lonely, so working together on maths SATs papers or GCSE maths revision can be a breath of fresh air.Students go to a tutoring agency where they are taught in a small group for around 2 to 4 hours per day.These courses are particularly popular before the start of the new school term as pupils and parents want to get off on the right foot.Organisational workshops are gaining popularity.During the school year, students are brought together in small groups to learn how to best approach their work and efficiently complete exercises.There are many other ways to take maths lessons including:Maths online tutoringWeekly support sessionsIndividualised academic supportCourses during the holidaysAs you can see, having a good knowledge of maths and being able to apply i t is essential to everyone regardless of their level. Primary school maths is one of the pillars of the school syllabus and can pave the way for further study of the subject. Achieving a grade C in GCSE maths is a minimum requirement for many higher education establishments and employers.Although private tutors don't need any specific teaching  qualifications, they put be equipped with an appropriate level of knowledge to aid their students.To make sure that a student succeeds in maths, confidence is key. Reassuring the student will give them the motivation to overcome their difficulties and be curious about what they can learn.Turning to a private maths tutor for help is not as all shameful or embarrassing, in fact, it shows honesty and a will to succeed with the help of a professional.

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